
The speaker details for winter 2025 are on the programme page.

For the attention of all LCS members.

At the LCS May committee meeting. The matter of the Annual General Meeting was discussed. It was decided after debate that owing to the financial and administrative costs involved in organising an AGM, and also with the very small number of members who attend the actual meeting (in 2023 there were only four non-committee members present) Your committee are therefore attempting to apply a different strategy. We intend NOT to have a physical meeting but members with points of view or ideas they would like considered     are urged to contact Mike Siddall by email on mikesiddall@compuserve.com or by phone on 07907892665                                                                    

Your committee is currently looking for a volunteer to run the monthly raffle

Next Meeting

Our speaker for Thursday March 6th is

Phil Neale, for many years England cricket operations manager, plus careers as a professional footballer, and a cricketer, should make for a very interesting evening.

This will be an Evening meeting with a 7:30pm start time


The Leicestershire Cricket Society was formed to brighten the long winter months by providing a local forum for friends and cricket lovers to discuss this wonderful game.
The society aims to:

Recruit members who have a respect for the history, spirit, qualities and achievements of cricket

Provide a varied programme of speakers from the world of cricket on a monthly basis throughout the winter

Foster, promote and develop an interest and enthusiasm for cricket within the county.

We would welcome information from other Societies regarding Guest Speakers.


Our meetings are held on Thursdays in the Charles Palmer suite at the Uptonsteel County Ground, Grace Road, Leicester, LE2 8EB

Meetings start at 1:30pm afternoons or 7:30pm evenings
The Fox bar is open
We have a bookstall & raffle to raise funds.


Current subscription rates are:
Adults £20 per annum (which the committee believe is incredible value)
Under 21 / full-time students £10

Non-members are very welcome – a fee of £5 is payable per meeting

Membership Info

If you have not already paid by standing order please send a cheque payable to the Society to Mike Siddall.

The committee looks forward to your support for what promises to be another excellent season of speakers.

We hope that all members will renew their membership and encourage their friends to join.

Important Notice For All LCS Members

If you have any questions / comments, please contact us.
Contact details of committee members are available on your membership card.

Will all members please be aware that in the event of bad weather please contact any of the committee members. All phone numbers are on the back of your membership card.


The Society was formed in the summer of 2002 and held its first meeting in November of that year. The inaugural speaker was appropriately enough Jack Birkenshaw who had achieved so much for Leicestershire both on and off the field.

The audience numbered around 70 and in all our subsequent meetings, usually held at the County Ground, Grace Road, we have maintained a healthy attendance of 60+.
Other speakers in our first season included John Holder, Derek Randall and Alan Hill.